What's this all about then?

Follow my attempt to cycle from the very north of Sweden back home to London

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Tummy problems mean the cycle ride has to end in Oldenburg

Håkan has been suffering from tummy problems for a week or so but is now having extreme difficulties keeping food in at either end…. In view of the 30 degree heat and absolute exhaustion he has very reluctantly decided to end the cycle ride. He will catch a train to Hamburg-Amsterdam-Brussels-London and should be back home in a day or so.
On the plus side, he says he NEVER wants to cycle in Sweden again and I am to hit him over the head and shout at him if he ever suggests it – not that this has prevented him from doing crazy things before, but at least I have permission now!
He is feeling pretty bad about having to abort mission. I am sure he would appreciate a text message to keep him entertained on the journey back home. He may have access to wifi on the European trains but I can’t be sure – Anne.

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  1. get well soon Håkan - I have very much enjoyed reading your progress.

    Obviously today's entry is less exciting..!

  2. you've not been boiling your bidons...

