What's this all about then?

Follow my attempt to cycle from the very north of Sweden back home to London

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Sunny cycling to Jokkmokk

A short 95km ride today. Sunny, no wind, no traffic, just me and a billion mosquitos. It's starting to get a bit wilder and more deserted, I only passed one village today. Luckily for me they have a hydroelectric power station that offer guided tours, brilliant, I love big machines and heavy industry.
Tomorrow's destination is Moskosel, 110km of nothing until I reach the smallest village you can imagine.


  1. Schyssta maskiner! Snygg grön färg! Och är det inte Bengt Lindström på dammluckorna?

  2. Lindström och Lars Pirak. Dammluckorna på Akkats kraftverk i Lilla Luleälv
